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Empack Zwolle 2012

Empack Zwolle 2012
Miejsce Europa Zwolle, Holandia
Data rozpoczęcia 2012-11-13
Data zakończenia 2012-11-14
www http://www.easyfairs.com/pl/events_216/empack-zwolle-2011_8078/empack-zwolle_8296/
Email poland@easyfairs.com

easyFairs Poland Sp. z o.o. (Ltd)
al. Pokoju 82
31-564 Kraków
Phone +48 (12) 651 95 20
Fax +48 (12) 651 95 22


This bi-annual regional packaging event focuses on exhibitors and visitors from the geographical North and East of the Netherlands, with an emphasis on the provinces Overijssel, Flevoland, Noord-Holland, Groningen, Drenthe and Friesland. In this way, the show distinguishes itself from the annual Spring edition of EMPACK 's-Hertogenbosch.


Just as in the last two editions, EMPACK Zwolle will be organised together with FOODTECH Zwolle. By combining these shows, easyFairs responds to the interaction between the packaging and food industry. Visitors will be guaranteed a complete overview of all the latest trends and developments in both industries.