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Pakkaus 2012

Pakkaus 2012
Miejsce Europa Helsinki, Finlandia
Data rozpoczęcia 2012-09-26
Data zakończenia 2012-09-27
www http://www.easyfairs.com/pl/events_216/pakkaus-2011_5671/pakkaus_6796/
Email poland@easyfairs.com

easyFairs Poland Sp. z o.o. (Ltd)
al. Pokoju 82
31-564 Kraków
Phone +48 (12) 651 95 20
Fax +48 (12) 651 95 22


Finland's biggest packaging show did it again!

PAKKAUS, Finland's biggest packaging show, once again broke records with its second edition, which took place in October 2011. Some 6800 professional visitors met with exhibitors, bought wisely, made new business contacts and developed their knowhow during the two show days.

PAKKAUS 2012 is set for 26-27 September 2012 and it's an absolute must if you want to meet all of Finland's packaging buyers gathered together under one roof, or to see what else is new on the market and compare your competitors' offerings.

Visitors find great new solutions to their business needs, with 85% of them stating that they purchased products and services they saw here.  If you want to establish - or maintain - a foothold in the Finnish market, you can't afford to be absent from PAKKAUS 2012!