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Reed Gift Fair - Brisbane

Reed Gift Fair - Brisbane
Miejsce Świat Brisbane
Data rozpoczęcia 2012-07-07
Data zakończenia 2012-07-10
www http://www.biztradeshows.com/trade-events/reed-gifts-brisbane.html


Rees Exhibitions, Australia
Contact Person:
Mr. Darcie Maher
Tel: +61-02-94222523

Tower 2, 475 Victoria, Chatswood, Australia


Reed Gift Fair - Brisbane will be the best event for the professionals linked to gift market. The products and services which will be showcase at this event are Advertising, Home Furnishings and Interior Design, Gifts, Games and many more. The exhibitor coming to this event will get an opportunity to promote their brands as the visitors will come from all the parts of the world. The visitors will be able to know about the latest products and services of the exhibitors; apart from that they can also purchase that one according to their needs and demand. Reed Gift Fair Brisbane will also witness many highlights such as buying competition and many more.

More than thousands of visitors will come to Reed Gift Fair - Brisbane from different parts of the country as well as from abroad. The agents, whole sellers, and distributors of gifts and accessories will be the main attraction of the event. They will interact with world class exhibitors and will be able to know about their latest offerings. Apart from all these the professionals of this industry will also come to attend the event.

Reed Gift Fair - Brisbanewill witness more than 70 new exhibitors at the event. The dealers working in the field of Soft furnishings, home wares, fashion jewellery, accessories, kitchenware and many more will be the main exhibitor of the event. The sellers and exporters of the products and services such as novelties, bathroom products, crafts, aromatherapy and lots more will also be the main exhibitor of the event.