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Streaming Media East 2011

Streaming Media East 2011
Miejsce Świat Nowy Jork, USA
Data rozpoczęcia 2012-05-15
Data zakończenia 2012-05-16
www http://www.streamingmedia.com/conferences/East2011/
Email erics@streamingmedia.com

Eric Schumacher-Rasmussen
Tel: (920) 342-6263
Twitter: @EricSchu_Ras



Streaming Media East is still the one online video show that is solely focused on giving you real information you can apply immediately in your business. While it’s great to talk about a lot of streaming media topics like encoding, video players, webcasting production etc. attendees want to do more than discuss these topics, they want to see them in action. At the 2012 Streaming Media East show, we're going to have more hands-on sessions than ever before. Each of our 18 “how-to” sessions are taught by some of the industry’s leading instructors giving you step by step instructions on various technical aspects of the industry. Don’t just hear about these technologies — come see them in action!
Now in its 15th year, the Streaming Media East show is the number-one place to come see, learn, and discuss what is taking place with all forms of online video business models and technology. We look forward to seeing you in NY.