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Ogłoszenia targów i szkoleń

Viscom Paris 2012

Viscom Paris 2012
Miejsce Europa Paryż, Francja
Data rozpoczęcia 2012-09-25
Data zakończenia 2012-09-27
www http://www.viscom-paris.com/?IdNode=5442&CurrentNode=5442&Lang=GB&KM_Session=aac9faf2e668867812d04047d1d42de3
Email annabelle.serres@reedexpo.fr

Reed Expositions France
52-54 Quai de Dion Bouton
Tour Vista
92 800 Puteaux - France


Annabelle SERRES
(Event Director)
Tel: +33 (0)1 47 56 24 11


For more than 20 years...
Viscom brings together in one place all the solutions and innovations in large format digital printing, signage, communication on textiles or on screen.
The event is aimed at visual communication leaders and graphic arts professionals, advertisers, specifiers and communication agencies, as well as designers, operational directors and buyers.
Viscom allows you to find :
- every solution and application for your visual communication or advertising campaigns.
- the new materials, processes and new equipment from international manufacturers and distributors which enable you to optimise your productivity.
- offers of images, content and design so that you can personalise your visual communication media.
Viscom Paris, also includes a large programme of conferences and workshops, animation and demonstration zones, giving you real solutions